Table of Contents

How To

Edit an Article

You must be logged in to edit. Go to the page and click the Edit button on the right hand side. It should be the uppermost of four buttons. There's a toolbar in the editor, but you might also want to visit the Syntax Guide. Or you could just write whatever you want and someone else can format it later.

Create an Article

To create a page simply enter the pagename in the sidebar to the left (or on top, for some mobile devices).

You may also visit the future address of the page with a dead link, like this: exampledeadlink. Notice that the link is red. This means that the page hasn't been created yet. If you click on the link it will tell you that the page hasn't been made, but you can create it with the Create Page button on the right if you're logged in.

Naming Your Page

There are many choices...

The clearest way to name would be neumannu47. A handy rule is to use a name someone else would guess provided they know the naming convention.

Adding Your Article to a List

If desired, add a link to your page to a list. If not, someone else may do it for you later. You can find a list through the main page or see the List of Lists. Edit the list page and add a link with the format:

[[yourpagename|Displayed Text]]

Use two backslashes at the end to force a new line if needed.

Example: [[shuresm57|Shure SM57]]\\

Hit save.