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Introducing: Mixopedia

Repository for resources on recording, mixing, and production - link it up with a description or post your own
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Introducing: Mixopedia

Post by upstairs »


I figured it'd be neat to have a dedicated, permanent place to put information.

It's like wikipedia, but for audio junk. One great thing about it is it'll be permanent. Even if this site ever ceases to exist (I don't plan on it), the files can very easily be transferred to someone else. You can even keep a personal copy on a flash drive if you want. Once it gets big enough I'll make that available for download.

Any member here can edit and create articles. I don't think we'll have to worry too much about quality control for now, but if it ever blew up I can restrict editing overall or on a per-article basis. Like wikipedia, old revisions of articles can be recalled if anything gets messed up.

So if you would like to share insight into your area of expertise, have at it.
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