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Grammy Awards

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Moderator: Bob Olhsson

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Grammy Awards

Post by unitymusic »

So the Grammy awards just happened, and I didn't see any of it yet. But the point of my post is to pass on something I read on facebook, which was someone asking why there isn't a DIY award. Given the current state of the industry, I think that's a really good idea. So if anyone is a voting member, please consider passing along that idea. I have some thoughts about the parameters of adding something like that, but in any form I think it would be cool.
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John Eppstein
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Post by John Eppstein »

unitymusic wrote: January 29th, 2018, 5:10 pm So the Grammy awards just happened, and I didn't see any of it yet. But the point of my post is to pass on something I read on facebook, which was someone asking why there isn't a DIY award. Given the current state of the industry, I think that's a really good idea. So if anyone is a voting member, please consider passing along that idea. I have some thoughts about the parameters of adding something like that, but in any form I think it would be cool.
Interesting idea...
Originally Posted by Bob Ohlsson
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Post by nobby »

It might be hard to verify what is actually DIY, for starters.

You may remember Milli Vanilli.

If not, do a search...
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Post by Gronk »

Blame it on Lorraine
Bob Olhsson
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Post by Bob Olhsson »

I understand DIY recordings streamed or sold as files are eligible for awards. I'll see what I can find out about the details.
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