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To label or not to label

Surviving in the post-apocalyptic music economy

Moderator: Bob Olhsson

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To label or not to label

Post by keks »

Hello everyone,
right now I am in the process of putting out our first record with a children's song duo.
(The crowd funding is here, should anyone be interested in what we do: https://igg.me/at/griffelknopf )

Now, we have a small indie label interested.
Those guys and gals have a studio and do the whole production/release enchilada for other artists.
We, on the other hand, have produced our CD more or less ourselves, hired a Tonmeister to record and mix the thing.

Now, we are starting out as recording artists right now.
What are the pros and cons of labels for artists like us?
Should we do our own label?
Do you have any advice?
Mandatory reading tips?

Thanks in advance,
the keks
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Tim Halligan
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Post by Tim Halligan »

Right...having never had a deal, take the following with a grain of salt...

The thing that a label can bring to the table, that an independent artist can't, is distribution. They have the means - or access to the means - of getting your physical product into the hands of the public that others don't.

They have the media contacts to get the product into the hands of reviewers, and they have a promo/publicity department for getting the message out to the world.

Ask your tame indie if they are interested in a distribution deal.

An analogue brain in a digital world.
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Post by Gronk »

Alternatively, with the right webinar you could really put a fire-hose on your career!
Posts: 94
Joined: August 7th, 2017, 1:29 pm

Post by keks »

Gronk wrote: October 24th, 2017, 9:44 am Alternatively, with the right webinar you could really put a fire-hose on your career!
That makes me so soaking wet of pure entrepreneurial excitement...
Bob Olhsson
Posts: 180
Joined: July 6th, 2017, 2:02 am

Post by Bob Olhsson »

You can lease the master for a limited time with the ability to go elsewhere if they are unable to do anything.
Bob's room 615 562-4346
Artists are the gatekeepers of truth! - Paul Robeson
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